Tuesday, February 21, 2012

America Saves!

This week, we wanted to do our small part in furthering "America Saves Week".  Slated for February 19-26th and coordinated by the America Savings Education Council, America Saves Week is celebrating its 6th anniversary.  The goal is to encourage employers, organizations and others to promote good savings behavior and for all of us to evaluate our saving and spending habits.

If savings hasn't been on your radar, or that of a loved one, in quite some time, focus first on basic emergency savings.  Most of us should have anywhere from 6-12 months of expenses in a very liquid account somewhere that we can access reasonably quickly.  This can be tough to do, and we hear this all too often, but it's amazing what one less latte a week, using a water bottle instead of bottled water, only buying fruit and vegetables you're actually going to eat (Americans threw out $32 billion worth last year) or some other simple habit change can make to our long term plans. 

If emergency savings are covered, spend some time focusing on college, retirement, or other goals you might have.

Below are some links to details on America Saves Week and related articles that we wanted to share in the hopes that they help you or someone you know. 

America Saves Week - main site of a week focused on savings

America Saves - the non-profit organizations' home site

On Your Mark, Get Set, Save - A savings "how-to" article from Forbes magazine

Take America Saves Week to Heart - An article from Visa's head of financial education programs

ING Encourages Savings in Support of America Saves Week - a CNBC article on ING's recommendations to jump start savings

If there's ever anything we can do to help you sort out what your savings goals might be, please let us know.

Have a great week and happy saving!

The Asset Advisory Group

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